
Premium vinyl window performance with features that make “deluxe” the standard.


  • Two multi-function, heavy duty die cast locks activate the integrated tilt feature.  The hardware is engineered to facilitate easy cleaning while eliminating the need for unsightly tilt latches.

  • Foam filled frame insulation that reflects radiant heat, improving strength and insulation efficiency.

  • Cove-crafted interior sash moulding combined with equal sight lines create an attractive traditional window styling.

  • Shadow grooved sash welds replicate the appearance of mitered wood corners.

  • Newton’s dual function partitioned slope sill forms a negative pressure pocket maximizing drainage and eliminating air infiltration.

  • Double strength dual pane IntelliGlass provides optimal energy performance.
  • Touch release ASTM certified night locks securely limit sash operation, deterring forced entry.
  • IdeaSeal Triple Protection includes triple weatherstripped sashes, integral interlock and foam filled bulb seal creating an tight seal on the  sashes by keeping the vinyl compressed.
  • A concealed sash stop system leaves a clean and uncluttered window jamb. Full balance covers keep the appearance of wood windows while hiding balance channels.
  • Multi-chambered vinyl construction provides superior strength and thermal efficiency. Vinyl is also maintenance-free and won’t weather, chip, warp or rot.
  • Four-point fusion welding ensures sashes and frames are square and the corners will never pull apart.
  • Pivot True balance system are strong, stainless steel coils and provide smooth, whisper quiet operation.
  • Low profile dedicated head is deliberately engineered for strength and efficiency while maximizing daylight glass area.
  • Lifetime warranty includes accidental glass breakage.
  • Dual and Triple pane glass options are available to maximize efficiency in any climate
  • Tempered, Obscure and STC rated glass options
  • Interior and exterior SDL packages
  • 4-9/16″ or 6-9/16″ white prime extension jamb
  • 1-5/8″ wide integral nail fin with 1″ setback for new Construction application
  • Foam frame wrap is available for increased insulation
  • WOCD field applied “angel locks”
  • Full line of field applied accessories

Window Styles

Double Hung

Horizontal Slider



Vinyl Color

Customize your home by selecting a vinyl color that complements its style and look.

Color Choices



Foam Filled Frame

Foam filled frame insulation that reflects radiant heat, improving strength and insulation efficiency.

IntelliGlass Packages

The needs of every home are different and with our specialized glass packages you can find the perfect fit for your home and budget. We offer both dual and triple pane glass options and can meet the EPA’s stringent ENERGY STAR® criteria for any geographic location. 

Learn more about IntelliGlass


Die-cast locks activate a hidden tilt feature that allows the sash to tilt in for easy cleaning.

Tilt in locks




Grid Pattern

Available in multiple profile and configurations, grid patterns are designed to further showcase your home’s architectural style. Additional decorative options are available, including simulated divided lites.






Grid Profile

Profiles give the stylistic appearance of individual glass panes and are offered in multiple colors and styles.

Profile Material

Flat (white & tan only) 5/8″

Georgian (color matched, interior/exterior) 3/4″

Complementary Products

A wide variety of coordinating products are available to complete your home improvement project.