For the Environment. For the Savings. For Health.
We have a limited amount of resources available and more and more people using them up. Not only do Vinylmax Windows reduce energy consumption once installed in your home, but also by selecting the appropriate materials, we reduce waste, conserve natural resources, improve both air and water quality, and protect ecosystems and biodiversity.
PVC (polyvinyl chloride)
commonly known as vinyl
Vinyl is composed of two simple building blocks – chlorine, based on common salt, and ethylene, from crude oil. Vinyl is the second largest selling plastic in the world. It is selected for its durability, ease of installation, easy maintenance and appeal to consumers. Vinyl is strong, durable and resistant to abrasion and moisture. It also can withstand rust and corrosion, is electrically non-conductive and has good fire performance properties. Vinylmax uses vinyl from VEKA, a world-leader in the production of vinyl extrusions.
Because is it less than half petroleum, vinyl is the most energy efficient plastic.

The earliest use of glass traces back to 3500 BC. It is made by fusing silica with soda and lime. Modern glass uses the same foundation to produce optically clear glass for home construction use. Common enhancements include silver-based coatings (Low E) for energy management and tinting for solar control. Vinylmax uses glass from Cardinal Glass, a leader in float glass with high performance coatings.
Every 1,000 kg of glass that is recycled saves 315 kg of carbon dioxide from being released into the atmosphere during the creation of new glass.
Intercept Spacer
Maintaining a consistent airspace and strong seal are the main roles of Intercept Spacer. Tin-Plated steel is roll-formed into a u-channel shape and custom notched for one-piece spacer construction. This, combined with a warm edge seal provides the most-industry accepted spacer available today.